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Entries open for NZ Spirits Awards 2022

Entries for the NZ Spirits Awards 2022 are now open with this year’s competition featuring an expanded range of categories.

There are 15 categories for 2022, up from seven categories the previous year, to better reflect industry trends.

The organisers say the categories are now based upon the commonly held spirit groupings that define the style and process of spirit production. For example, the Gin category is now divided into London Dry, Contemporary & Navy Strength, and Flavoured & Aged.

Trophies will be awarded for Best New Zealand in Category and Best Overall in Category.

The Awards for Innovation, Packaging Design, and Emerging Product will again be on offer.

Entries are open until 15 April and medal winners will be announced the week following the judging on 12 May. Trophy winners will be announced at the awards dinner on 17 June.

W: spiritsawardsnz.nz