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Hospitality NZ welcomes new Govt’s hospo focus

Industry body Hospitality NZ has welcomed news of an expanded Minister of Tourism and Hospitality portfolio, announced by the new coalition Government. Matt Doocey is to be the new Minister.

Hospitality NZ says the move shows recognition of the critical role that hospitality plays in New Zealand’s cultural fabric, economy and tourism industry.

“We are particularly pleased to note the specific acknowledgement of hospitality's importance by adding it to the Minister of Tourism portfolio,” says Steve Armitage, Hospitality NZ’s Chief Executive. “This is something we have raised for a number of years, most recently through our Election Manifesto, so it is great to see this come to fruition.

“We are looking forward to working closely with the new Minister of Tourism and Hospitality, Matt Doocey, over the coming term and to explore the synergies of his other portfolios of Youth and Mental Health.”

Beyond the Tourism and Hospitality portfolio, Hospitality NZ says it is also looking forward to working closely with all Ministers whose portfolios are relevant to the sector. These include: Minister of Immigration, Erica Stanford; Minister of Workplace Relations and Minister of Internal Affairs, Brooke van Velden; Minister of Local Government, Simeon Brown; and Minister of Justice, Hon Paul Goldsmith.

Steve Armitage says that working closely with the new Government will help the sector to rebuild and emerge even stronger after all the recent challenges. “We want to unleash the full power of the hospitality industry, showcasing it as a great career option and a major driver of growth in the New Zealand economy.”