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Hospo NZ welcomes public holiday to mourn Queen

Hospitality New Zealand has welcomed the announcement of a public holiday day of mourning on Monday September 26 to mark the passing of Queen Elizabeth II.

Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern announced the decision, saying it was appropriate that New Zealand mark her life of dedicated public service with a State Memorial Service and a one-off public holiday.

The State Memorial Service will be held in the Wellington Cathedral of St Paul on the 26th and will be televised and live streamed.

“The decision to hold a one-off Public Holiday in the Queen’s honour is also in line with similar holidays in the UK and Australia, and is in keeping with what is an historic event,” said Jacinda Ardern.

Hospitality New Zealand Chief Executive  Julie White has welcomed the announcement, despite the potential cost to some businesses.

“We know every public holiday comes at a cost for hospitality and accommodation businesses due to having to pay penalty rates, but we believe this one-off day is worth it,” says White.

“Queen Elizabeth II had a very positive effect on New Zealand and leaves a tremendous legacy. She really stepped up and gave our country devoted service, and it would be great if we can use this day as an opportunity to remember that and to thank her.

“At this very early stage we are unsure how many businesses will be open due to the extra costs, but maybe this will be different to other public holidays.

“In the end it’s up to each operator and business to gauge the effect of opening on their business and decide accordingly. Some will not open, and after the past few years of struggle, who can blame them.

“But those that can will no doubt welcome the chance to help people raise a toast to the Queen.”

The Public Holiday will be called Queen Elizabeth II Memorial Day. Legislation will be passed next week to bring the holiday into force.

It will be a one-off holiday held on 26 September 2022 only and normal Public Holiday requirements under the Holidays Act will apply.