DB forges ahead with sustainability goals

DB has released its Sustainability Report 2021, which outlines how the company is tracking towards its stated objective of being New Zealand’s leading business in sustainability.

DB Managing Director Matt Wilson says that the company made great progress towards its sustainability ambitions, despite a disrupted year. “We delivered on some major carbon reduction projects at DB in 2021, including the switch to biomass-derived steam at our DB Draught Brewery in Timaru, the replacement of LPG-powered forklifts with a fully electric fleet, and our on-road Sales fleet continuing to transition away from combustion engines to hybrids.

“We now continue our journey to find renewable alternatives for steam supply to our Waitematā Brewery to be net zero in production emissions by 2030, and carbon neutral in our full supply chain by 2040.”

Highlights of the 2021 report include:

·       A 35% reduction in scope 1 and 2 emissions from DB’s 2018 baseline

·       Toitū Enviromark Diamond accreditation for the second year in a row

·       96% of the company’s spend going to local suppliers

·       Nearly $365,000 contributed to local community partnerships, sponsorships, and education

·       Maintaining a 0% gender pay gap at DB.

The report also notes DB’s move to pay its staff above the living wage, and the revamp of its Family Support Policy to extend it to 26 weeks full paid parental leave.

The report outlines DB’s future targets as having all production sites as zero waste to landfill by 2025 and halving its plastic footprint by 2030. It aims to be carbon zero by 2030 in scope 1&2 and carbon neutral in full value chain by 2040.

It is also working towards having 100% of unreturned water balanced by water stewardship initiatives and all waste water treated to HEINEKEN standards.

W: Read the full report here


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