NZ Women in Wine ramps up professional development
Industry group New Zealand Women in Wine has launched its 2024 mentor programme and a new online Development Series.
The first three online sessions focus on governance, negotiation and conflict resolution, and how to crush imposter syndrome. Nicky Grandorge, Leadership & Communities Manager at New Zealand Winegrowers says that registration numbers have been high.
The first session was held on 8 July and the sessions are recorded, to reach even more people looking to progress their careers within the wine industry. The key presenters this winter are Jenny McDonald, Trish Lui and Jo Cribb.
NZ Women in Wine’s 2024 Mentoring Programme is also underway, with 10 pairs of mentors and mentees from around the country, all of whom work in a wide range of roles within the New Zealand wine industry.
L-R: Kat Mason, Katherine Minchin, Nicky Grandorge, Emma Lowe, Anna Remond, Raffaela Dragani, and Ryann Calder.
The 2024 mentors are: Andrea Craig (Whitehaven); Anna Remond (O:Tu); Emma Lowe (Monowai Estate); Kat Mason (Cloudy Bay); Raffaela Dragani and Katherine Minchin (Indevin); Ryann Calder, (Monte Christo Winery); Sarah Burton (Calvert Vineyard); Sophie Matthews (Wineworks); and Ngarita Warden (Bragato Research Institute).
Nicky Grandorge led the induction workshops in early July at Spy Valley in Marlborough and the pairs will now meet six times over the next six months.
With the guidance of coach and author Fiona Fenwick, the bespoke programme has been running since 2018 with over 100 women having taken part.
NZ Women in Wine is also looking ahead to the National Women in Wine Breakfast, to be held at Te Papa in Wellington on 30 August as part of the Altogether Unique 2024 industry celebration.