‘Superdelic’ arrives for fresh hop season 

After more than 10 years of breeding work, NZ Hops has released its latest cultivar, Superdelic, for the 2023 season.

“This exceptional hop is a playful number, with red fruit, candy, citrus and tropical fruit characteristics, offering brewers something totally different to use in their craft,” says Blair Stewart, general manager of NZ Hops.

NZ Hops’ hop breeding partnership with Plant & Food Research is led by scientist Kerry Templeton, who says Superdelic has “winning strengths”. “Its excellent yield potential will allow growers to produce high-quality hops more efficiently and sustainably. And in the brewers’ hands, new and interesting beers will come from Superdelic’s unique flavour and aroma profile,” says Templeton.

Dr Ron Beatson, who led the hop breeding programme at Plant & Food Research before his retirement in 2021 predicts that Superdelic will be “a significant player”.

Several of the co-op’s 27 Master Growers have been involved in early grower trials for Superdelic, including Wilson Matthewson of Glenrae Hops. “We’ve been impressed with Superdelic’s vigorous bine growth. It promises to yield well, and it looks spectacular out in the field.”

Through NZ Hops’ Bract Brewing Programme, select global brewers have also trialled Superdelic in special craft brews to explore the hops’ characteristics, aromas, and brewing performance.

NZ Hops says that commercialisation of a new variety is a vital part of its commitment to innovation. Over 85% of New Zealand-grown hops are exported, with a turnover of around $40 million.

Superdelic follows Nectaron® in the growing NZ Hops Ltd brand family. “Nectaron brought a whole new flavour profile to the market in 2020, with its full tropical notes. Demand for Nectaron grows every year and we expect the same with Superdelic,” says Blair Stewart.

W: NZ Hops


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